Colleen McIntosh received her qualifications as a Certified Hypnotist, in June 2008.  She has been a member, in good standing, with the National Guild of Hypnotists Inc., since June of 2008.  Additional Certifications were obtained from Sean Michael Andrews, in Instant and Rapid Inductions in October of 2008 and Age Regression Workshop, in May of 2009.
Hypnosis is a form of conscious awareness, resembling the patterns of sleep.  Contrary to popular belief, clients are fully awake and are simply intently focusing their attention.  During this time of “focused attention”, there is a corresponding decrease in their peripheral 

awareness.  In this state of focused attention, clients are more receptive to helpful suggestions, which are only for their own highest good.  Under hypnosis, clients experience heightened suggestibility, while accompanied by an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility.

Hypnosis has been successfully utilized for a wide variety of applications.  These include but are not limited to:   medical/psychotherapeutic uses, self improvement, treating of depression and phobias, anxiety, eating and sleep disorders, post traumatic stress, smoking cessation, weight management, and entertainment purposes.
“It is my great honour to assist my clients to promote their health, well-being and empowerment throughout our sessions.  My Hypnosis practice is based on the highest principals and ideals to promote peace, healing, health and harmony.”
Each session is 60 minutes, depending on a client’s needs or wishes.  Longer sessions are available, upon request.  Therapy may require one or more treatment sessions, for the resolution of an underlying condition.


60 minute sessions = $120.00